<div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>It's the end of the road for Northern Territory Police Commissioner Michael Murphy after Chief Minister Lia Finocchiaro announced on Saturday evening that she had asked him to step down from the top job.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>This follows his shock admission on Thursday that he was the unnamed bureaucrat found by the corruption watchdog to have dished out a "job for a mate".
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>Murphy was asked to go on leave effective immediately, and Martin Dole APM is now the acting police commissioner.</span></div></div><div><div id="adspot-mobile-medium"></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><strong><span>READ MORE: </span></strong><a href="https://www.9news.com.au/national/lina-marciano-murder-main-suspect-dies/c37c69bb-9381-4622-85bf-2f203226bead"><strong><span>Prime suspect in Adelaide classroom murder dies</span></strong></a><strong><span>
</span></strong></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>At a Sunday afternoon press conference, Finocchiaro said Murphy's position was "untenable, and he did not have the support of the government".
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"We have given him an opportunity to resign and consider his position going forward but ultimately have made the decision to begin a termination process," she said.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"This, of course, is off the back of an ICAC statement made called Operation Apollo around a recruitment process and conflicts of interest."
</span></div></div><div><div class="OUTBRAIN" data-reactroot="" data-src="//www.9news.com.au/national/nt-top-cop-given-marching-orders-by-chief-minister/96adbe27-7e98-4a95-a4b1-1b6f152295fa" data-widget-id="AR_5"></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>Upon termination, Murphy will receive six months' remuneration as per the conditions of his appointment in 2023.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"This process requires natural justice to Michael Murphy and involves cabinet, executive council and advice to the administrator on termination," Finocchiaro said.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>Dole faced the media for the first time on Monday afternoon and confirmed that he was on the same selection panel that Murphy sat on to appoint three assistant commissioners early last year.</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"As the acting deputy commissioner at the time, it was totally appropriate that I was on that panel," he said.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>However, Dole said that although he was listed as a referee for more than one applicant, he did not provide a personal reference to any applicant.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"By merit selection training, an ordinary panel member should be at or above the rank being applied for," he said.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"As I met this requirement, it was both reasonable and appropriate for me to serve on the panel."
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>Dole also said that while his officers have responded positively to his interim appointment to the role, the "police force is hurting".
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"We've had a tumultuous decade in relation to leadership in the Northern Territory Police Force, but they're focused on continuing to do their jobs and keep the community safe," he said.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>Dole also confirmed that he did not see a need for a review of the appointments made under Murphy.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"I don't believe it's necessary; I don't think there's any evidence of wrongdoing in relation to any of those appointments," he said.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"This matter has been subject to a rigorous and lengthy ICAC investigation, the selection process has been examined by the ICAC, and that report has been given to the chief minister."
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"The statement that came out made particular findings in relation to the commissioner and the failure to document the conflict of interest, and that's all I'm going to say about that selection process."
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>It is unclear how long Dole will remain in the position, but the chief minister has said his tenure will be for the "foreseeable future".
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"This is not a recruitment process," she said.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"This is the start of a termination process, and that's very, very different, and that's the process I'm focused on."
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"This is a very serious matter, dealing with the process of termination of a police commissioner, and ultimately, by having the acting commissioner in place, Mr Dole, it provides certainty and continuity for our police, which is my most pressing and important concern."
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>Northern Territory Police Association president Nathan Finn, who called for Murphy's resignation on Friday, says the NTPA acknowledges the government's decision to terminate his contract.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"Mr Murphy's decision not to resign will be a distraction for some," he said.
</span></div></div><div class="block-content"><div class="styles__Container-sc-1ylecsg-0 goULFa"><span>"However, our members, the dedicated and hard-working men and women of the Northern Territory Police Force, will continue their commitment to serving and protecting the community."
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